Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 4: Stims

27 needles.  Still feeling pretty good.  The Repronex is getting on my nerves.  It's pretty difficult to draw up in the syringe.  I'm supposed to mix it first and draw up the solution that is supposed to equal 1mL.  It always ends up being a little less than that.  You think this would be somewhat easy for me since this is what I am going to be doing for living.  I'm hoping I'm not completely screwing it up.  And yes, Michael was right.  The Repronex does get worse as the time goes on.  Everyday it stings a little more going in and it gets more sore as the day does on.   Just two more days until our first ultrasound.  Fingers crossed that those suckers are growing!


  1. Try icing the injection spot before and after injecting. I do that with my heparin shots and it helps a lot. I'm so excited for you and the journey you are on!
