Saturday, September 11, 2010


I awoke yesterday morning to find two missed calls from the embryologist!  Aaaahhh!  I hurried and told Michael to come upstairs while I called him back.  He quickly gave me the news that out of the 3, two of them didn't make it and the one that was left made it to the blast stage but was very poor quality.  He gave us the option to freeze it but said that if it survived the thaw, there is only a 5% chance it would result in a pregnancy.  He was obviously trying to emphasize the fact that freezing it would not be his recommendation.  We asked if we could call him back but we knew the clock was ticking.  We talked about all the different reasons to freeze or not to freeze and made a decision and said a quick prayer.  We decided not to freeze it.  We would rather put the $3500 and the hope toward a fresh cycle, in which we have a 70% chance of a pregnancy.  We are kind of sad and had lots of hope for something to freeze, until the day of the transfer...I knew that the likelihood of having any to freeze was slim.  I am still confident we won't need the frozen embies this time but it would have been nice.

Except for going to the bathroom, I have been laying down the last couple of days.  I just lay here, willing these babies to snuggle in tight.  I feel so close to Michael and I know I will be devastated if this doesn't work, but I won't be able to bear facing him.  I want this more for him than I do for myself.  I can handle my own pain but I have a really hard time watching people I love suffer.  I don't think this will happen but moments of terror enter my mind once in a while.  Not very many women get to experience this exact part of pregnancy.  Some can suspect at this point, that they have something growing inside them but I know they are there and it makes me ferociously protective of them.  I'm already rubbing my belly, talking to them and telling them how much I want them.  I'll just be praying as I relax the next few days and hopefully I can get back to life, to keep my mind off all the possibilities.


  1. I like the thought of you nesting...just sitting around minding your eggs. :-)

  2. You are so amazing. I love this side of you, all maternal. I know you were hoping for some embies to freeze, but I think you are wise with your choice. Rock on, sister, you are kickin' butt! :)
