Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hardest Transfer of the Year Award...

The RE actually said that!  Haha!  I am really glad I can laugh about it. My transfer took an 1.5 hours! I had 2 RE's try to thread the catheter (they don't usually use ultrasound guidance at my clinic) and then they pulled out the ultrasound. My trial transfer was easy, breezy but it turns out since my ovaries are so big still, it displaced my uterus all the way to my left side and it kind of folded over itself! They had all the residents come in to watch because "they haven't seen this difficult of a transfer before". Glad I could be a learning tool. They made me fill my bladder to use the ultrasound and that was the worst part! I felt like I was going to pee all over everyone!

My embies that they transferred were perfect blastocysts, no hatching yet. One of the embies didn't make it to today. Of the three left, 2 were early blasts and the other was at the morula stage still. They will call me tomorrow to let me know if they were able to freeze them. Fingers crossed but I'm not holding my breath. Overall, I was really happy and I am officially P.U.P.O.!  PUPO is a term that means Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise.  They gave us a little card with a picture of the embryos that said something to the effect, "thank you for choosing us".  I've tried to post it but it's been difficult...I will later.

They reassured me that the difficulty placing the catheter had no bearing on the success. They even joked that since my uterus is folded, the babies can't fall out! They told me I still have a 70% chance of getting pregnant and 35% of twins...yikes.  I am flat in bed all day today, same tomorrow, and resting for the next three days after that.  Oh gosh, I hope this works.  


  1. Hey Danielle. Thanks for posting such personal information. It is really interesting. I am praying for you guys! I hope this is successful for you!

  2. Me too!! We are praying for you!

  3. It seems fitting that the student would become a tool for others to learn. PUPO! How exciting!!! :D
