Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I got part of my fall schedule today. Guess when I have my Psych clinicals? Yep. The very same day our egg retrieval is schedules for.  There are four clinical groups and mine just happens to be scheduled at the worst possible time.  We have a lot to think about...hmmm.

*I will add, not only is it the same day as the egg retrieval but it's also the same three weeks where I will be monitored every day with ultrasound to see how the egg follicles are developing, same weeks as the transfer where I will need to be on bed rest for 5 days, same weeks as my blood pregnancy test.  It sounds silly to say that I don't want to change groups but I really, really don't want to.  It would almost be like starting school again.  I know we'll come up with a solution, I just don't know what it is.


  1. Oh MAN! That SUCKS! Is there no way to switch to a different clinical group?

  2. Yes, I can switch my group and I know it sounds silly when I say this but I really, really don't want to. Most of my friends are in my group and we all work really well together. We have a system, you know? We will figure something out, I'm just not sure exactly what we'll do.
