Well, I guess I can say we're VERY close to starting this process. We have had many long talks after I got my fall schedule that just so nicely interferes with my clinicals. We have come to the conclusion that it is NEVER a good time, the right time, convenient time, or a perfect time to start a family. There is ALWAYS going to be some reason it's not the right time. If we went by that logic, it could very well be years before we thought having a baby would be perfect. Ultimately, this is what we want. It's a good thing to want. I have wanted it since the day we said "I do". And, we have been trying to make it happen for over two years now. If we were to get pregnant on our own today, it would be a welcomed surprise/miracle but not exactly how we "planned" it. And that's just it, no one really gets to plan these things. You can hope you get pregnant when you want and maybe you do, maybe you don't. We DO get the
So, my new approach to the situation is...screw it! I'm going to pretend we miraculously got pregnant on our own and we are going to deal with whatever challenges that brings us because ultimately, we want a baby. So, I started my birth control last week and we are moving forward. I haven't even figured out the exact due date yet which is not like me at all. I don't care. Yes, I will still be in school. Yes, it will be difficult. Yes, I kind of know what I'm getting myself into. I have been an emotional wreck about this the past two weeks, contemplating my feelings and fearing what might be. But, I have faith that this is the right decision and I KNOW that we are strong enough to take on any challenges that this might bring. After all, who said having a kid is supposed to be easy, anyway?