Monday, May 17, 2010

I Believe In Miracles...

I started school again today.  It looks like it's going to be one busy semester.  I'm excited about it because I'm banking on it flying by.  In just ten short weeks I will be finished with another semester and officially half-way done with nursing school, Michael will be finished with the Census job and baking in the Lake Powell sun, and we will be so close to starting our IVF cycle.  I cannot wait to start!

I have been trying to think of the blessings our infertility has brought me.  Well, one of the blessings has definitely been a good friend, K, whom I was introduced by another good friend, several months ago.  Our mutual friend had read my blog and suggested that K and I become friends on Facebook because she too, struggled with infertility.  Our situations are exactly the same, we are the same age, and after talking to her, turns out we were going to the same doctor.  We started emailing, chatting on Facebook, and talking on the phone.  This woman has been an incredible support to me.  It was so good to talk to somebody who was going through the exact same thing I was.  We can talk about any issue and not worry about getting some lame, hurtful-but-mean-well comment.  We finally met face-to-face when we were at our IVF consult and she was there, getting an ultrasound.  She started her first IVF cycle a couple of months ago.  We went to dinner with K & D last week and Michael said he couldn't believe what good friends we have become in such a short time.  I cannot express how emotionally attached I became to her process.  I have never prayed so hard for another person in my life.  I wanted so badly for K & D to become parents.  I did two fasts for them and was so emotional after her transfer, I broke down.  I prayed so hard right then and asked Heavenly Father to make it be okay.  I immediately felt at peace.

Fast forward to today...K is pregnant!  Words cannot express the gratitude I feel today.  It is truly a miracle that she is pregnant.  Unfortunately, for the infertiles, getting that positive test does not necessarily put us at ease.  It is definitely a huge hurdle left in the dust but then we worry about the second test.  The HcG numbers have to double in 48 hours.  Then, two weeks later, the viability scan.  I know in my heart that this pregnancy will be uneventful for K and she will be a great mom.  Congrats on your miracle K & D!!


  1. That is awesome! Now you can be a tad less stressed. :D

  2. I love that you are looking at all the positives..great attitude. And I'm so happy for your friend and their success. You'll be next!

  3. Sooo happy for your friend, Danielle. And so happy that you found her. We all mean well, but I'm sure we don't get it, and I'm so very deep-in-my-heart glad that you have someone close that will get you.

    And I'm done catching up, now. Again, I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you will continue to post. You are as funny and enjoyable as you have always been, and while I'm sorry for your struggles, I have immensely enjoyed this peek into your life this evening. :)

  4. Just hang in there. It's hard but everything's gonna be alright. I'll remind dad to look at your blog so he can see your birthday tribute.
